Category: D’autres
Word from the app
I’m off on a little adventure next week and thought I’d check the status of the WordPress app on my phone to see if blog posts are still easy. Frankly it’s been many years since I’ve used it. Turns out it defaults to the block editor (which I disdain) but I could live with that if it would size images correctly.
Off to do some research… sigh.
I bought this tourtiere at Shoppers Drug Mart last week because A) it’s been years since I’ve had one and B) it’s been decades since I’ve seen the St Hubert logo/brand. Ah, the old days…
An achievement … of sorts
Back in 2014 I started playing Candy Crush. It became a habit. And apparently the other day I hit 4000 levels so they sent me a badge and a congratulatory email.
You are truly among the elite – getting to level 4000 is no easy feat! Well done, and keep up the excellent work!
Beating this many levels puts you firmly in the exclusive top 4% of players! So to celebrate, here’s your Level 4000 Badge – wear it with pride!
Proudly I have never bought anything nor used any of their “community” features. I suppose as habits go, its not the worst one I could have.
Tickled my fancy
I have a long history with Rocky Racoon… probably one of the few songs I actually know all the words to. And I’ve always had a picture of how it looks in my mind So this just amused me to no end — all it’s missing is the doctor, stinking of gin…
More from Todd Alcott Graphics
Brief Update
I just realized I never finished last year’s posts (I didn’t even finish any videos!). I will fill things in, I promise, but we are back aboard enjoying some time in Victoria. Short trip this year, only a month—and two weeks of that in Victoria. But enjoyable so far nonetheless.
Here’s what our mornings looks like this week.
And our new custom cutting board courtesy of my brother. I still haven’t decided if we will leave it on board or not.
This made me laugh
Today in YEG
2 Day before Xmas
It’s all relative
Happy Sourdough Fifth
December 12, 2017
That’s the day I baked my first loaf, 5 years ago, with sourdough starter I that I had barely got started — and that starter is still going strong. Here’s a post I wrote in January 2018 about the first couple of experiments using that starter. Spoiler: they were mainly duds.
My poor starter has gone though a lot: from being moldy, to almost starving after a months alone; it even made the journey to BC in air-cargo this past spring and I baked a bunch of loaves on board before bringing it home and reuniting it with the stuff that had sat neglected in the fridge for two month. Still, it has been 5 years and I guess the poor thing deserves some recognition on having made it through all that …as well as periods of me not baking much, a pandemic, a switch from white flour to rye flour, and back again—and then back to rye once more. It’s been almost dried, lived as a swampy sludge, underfed, overfed, developed some weird skins and spent a lot of time in the refrigerator beside the silk screen chemicals. But so far it seems it’s pretty impossible to kill.
And it’s made a lot of loaves along the way. Here’s some pics from over the years:
But it doesn’t really matter
The problem is that actually the bacteria/microbes in sourdough just don’t live that long. So really, the whole “old sourdough starter passed down for generations” thing is just a myth. But at least it’s a tasty one. Here’s a link to an article that explains the whole thing:
I just found a note in my notebook dated Nov 29, 2017 with the sourdough starter recipe I used. So I guess the whole process was actually started a few weeks earlier than Dec 12.