I am so a visual person. Most times if I am trying to explain something I will grope around for a paper and pen to try and sketch it out even if it has nothing to do with a visual concept. Hell, you should see my notes from writing papers in University—tree diagrams and thought bubbles…

Anyway I came across this cool tool today while reading an online argument about pulleys and mechanical advantage. One that I would never have been able to follow without the many sketches involved. It’s an online whiteboard (free) that allows you to quickly sketch something out and then share it. Like this:

Above is a hot link to the image on their site. I don’t know how long it will be hosted there but you can just as easily download the image and host it yourself:


But even if the hot link doesn’t last for ever, this is a totally, totally awesome tool for communicating remotely. https://awwapp.com/