
What I need to do, Edward pondered as he watched the sun slowly come up over the city’s skyline, is find out just why the interfering beaver is so adamant about this. Generally by now he would have given up; or at least have been willing to share some of his resources with me. Competition is all good, but he generally isn’t so stupid as to think he can take on all comers. Every time in the past when things have gotten this complicated, he has either bailed at an opportune moment or agreed to some sort of mutually agreeable solution.

This time I can’t seem to even get the stupid rodent to state his position, let alone compromise on it. Every time I turn my back he just vanishes and then reappears at absolutely the most inconvenient juncture.

So. I definitely think I better investigate this little offshoot before proceeding with any major revisions to the plan. Really, it has been foolish of me to put it off so long, but I guess I had hoped that my honourable adversary would eventually come to his senses. And that means I have so research to do.


Well, well, well. Edward had never visited Alberta and he definitely had never heard of Magrath. But it was beginning to look like he would have to do some serious research into that little town and one or two of its residents. Hopefully he could avoid the long delay that visiting there would necessitate, but if that is what it would take, then that is where he would go.

But before packing my carpetbag, I think I will just visit the national archives and see what I can see about a woman named Meredith McGrath.