
Zzzzzzzzzzzwhat! I … huh? Whatever … ? Well, now, what in heaven’s name is going on here? Let me see. Page, ummmmmm, 423, 424 …

Oh, for goodness sake, can a narrator not take a nap now and then without a plot going to the dogs? Never work with kids and animals, they told me, but did I listen?

Now let’s just set this to rights. First things first: Form 427b. Let see, name, address, case number… Yes, yes, yes. Incident report attached? Ah, Form 65: Incident Report: Non-Binding. Then I shall just file this to …. ? My goodness, this is an old address; it’s such a bother when they change ministries so often. I’ll just requisition a new form … Yes, Form 97b(rev.) and like so …

Ah, that is so satisfying. I do love a well-run office: everything in its place and a place for everything. Step by step I will drag this morass of chaos into linearity and order. None of this sideways nonsense anymore.

So, now we wait. Shan’t be more a than a few days, a week at most, to get the new forms. Then we will fill those out, submit them to the governance department for disposition, wait to see under whose authority this little incident will be adjudicated and be back on track before the new month has barely started.

And all’s well that ends well, I say.

But while we wait, let’s just review… Grilled beaver tail, eh? Hmmmm, I do feel … a bit … peckish …